Every now and then I avoid doing something because it makes me nervous or worried. Usually these kinds of somethings are complicated, at least compared to what I do on an everyday basis. Even if they may be - on the simplest level - just making a purchase or sending a series of emails, I worry that I'll mess up, or I worry that it will be emotionally uncomfortable in some way.
And every now and then, one of these tasks I've been avoiding becomes more and more unapproachable the longer I avoid doing it. Then it becomes heavier and more nagging, and more uncomfortable in my mind. Somehow, I've been known to leave this kind of thing hanging over my head for months... no, years.
Julie and Jimmy - remember that custom tray I sent you for your one year wedding anniversary? Yup. That was supposed to be a wedding gift. For your wedding day.
The problem is that not only do I put something off indefinitely, I'm still thinking about it. Daily. And every day that I think about it I feel terrible that I haven't done it.
Yeah, it's scary. It's unreasonable and I have decided to declare it unacceptable! I'm an adult person who allows procrastination to completely drown my common sense and normal feelings of agency in a filthy, fetid, stagnant pool of sloth.
But no more! I've decided to join forces with my friends and family to capitalize on the momentum inherent in the first month of every new year. This year my sister helped me to choose this weekend to finally just get it DONE.
So what the heck. Join us! I know I'm not alone here... think of a "something" that you've been putting off, and put it off no longer. Do it. It's contagious!
Need a soundtrack? "Gotta Get Up (Another Day)" Jill Scott, Experience: Jill Scott 826+
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